So…I’m about to say something a little controversial over here…
Your wedding decorations and arrangements should be what makes you smile – grin – happy – and content. Not what you’ve seen in on Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest – just what makes you happy! Remember that you are looking at their highlight reel and on your wedding you want to be living your most real and joyous life!

Too often we talk to brides that book the venue or are others in our lives that are planning weddings and they are stressed about the decorations! As avid wedding go-ers (I mean I LOVE weddings) and someone who is in the business, I can tell you about the decorations in detail at about zero of the weddings. I can give you a general description…and I sincerely believe that the decorations have been beautiful at every single one…but details? Nope!
Your guests will be there to see YOU getting married! They are invested in YOU and your happiness as your friends and family! They want the best for YOU! They are focused on seeing YOU at one of the most important events in your life. It is reality that they are truly there for YOU!
Notice what I didn’t mention? They aren’t there to count ribbons or flowers…to worry about the placement of each candle and vase…to make sure that everything looks ‘perfect’. (And if they are I can give you a pep talk on finding a tribe that loves you for you and not to set crazy standards – call me!)
Now, this doesn’t mean that if you adore the process and doing amazing, crazy big, extravagant, full force decorating you shouldn’t do it – not at all! Again, do what makes YOU happy! Live it up and Love every minute of it!

So, give yourself some grace --- and know that it is all ok. Look to social media for inspiration, but don’t let it consume you or make you feel like you are not enough – that your decorations must meet those standards to be enough! Do what makes YOU happy!